Receive mentoring to begin art ministry
MENTORING and partnership:
-The mentoring program is a follow up to C.A.M.P. The purpose of the mentoring program is to help encourage you with prayer coverage, ideas when you get stuck, and someone else to come alongside you in this new adventure! You aren't alone!
-To receive mentoring, you MUST have completed C.A.M.P. either in person on online.
-Mentoring is done through email, and zoom with Ashley Rogers, director of Created
-Partnership is simply getting connected with someone else around that world that you can build relationship with as you support and pray with each other about how God is moving in the arts.
-To be a part of mentoring or partnerships, please fill out the form below.
-While these resources are offered for free for those who have completed C.A.M.P., we are funded through donations and are blessed any time you decide to pour back into Created ministry as well.

If you have not yet completed online training through the Created Arts Ministry Program (C.A.M.P.) and you need financial help to get started, please consider applying for a grant.
-Grants are given on a need basis where funds are available and help cover the costs of training.
-Fill out the grant request form and email to artsyashley@hotmail.com.
-Before receiving a grant, a phone or zoom meeting with Ashley is required. (set up after filling out the grant request form)