Fund the Launch of an Art Ministry
$175 covers:
-Complete access to online training course for one facilitator and their team
-Facilitators Workbook manual (curriculum to help launch and lead art ministry sessions) plus shipping
-Mentoring time
-All gifts towards this program are tax deductible
-While our prayer is that relationship would bud and grow from helping to launch an art ministry, we are grateful also for simple financial support to enable us to keep training people in the US and globally.
*Checks can be made out to Created with desired intent in the memo line. Send to:19421 Bat Cave Rd. Garden Ridge TX 78266
At Created, we long to see God use the arts to connect with every person that needs His healing touch. We have been able to see this dream come alive through the Created Arts Ministry Program. While Created trains people locally at the Created studio, we also have an online training school that teaches equips people how to begin art ministries in their local contexts and to bravely go where God calls them. From Malaysia to Australia to South Africa, God is allowing us to give valuable training tools to amazing leaders already on the ground in their home towns. Through the online training program, we offer a course that prepares leaders and facilitators to lead creative sessions, begin intentional art ministries, and connect with the community God puts on their hearts. While some leaders are able to cover the cost of the training and tools, others do not have the means to pay for and begin what God is stirring in them. This is where the body of Christ comes in so beautifully. As much as possible, when we are approached by an international or national partner that cannot cover training costs, we offer it to them free of charge. We believe that in sowing into their ministries, we are actively living out the belief that the Kingdom of God is so much bigger than just one person, group, brand or country. How can YOU help? Would you consider helping to launch an art ministry in another city or country? Our prayer is that you would be more than a donor, but that God would allow a relationship to form. We long to see prayer warriors across state lines, cultures and oceans come along side each other and pray into areas of pain and brokenness. We long to see God heal and redeem through the creative arts. Below are the different ways you can partner with Created, and with both national and international art ministries. We can't WAIT to see how God uses this opportunity!